2:220-E5 - Exhibit - Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

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2:220-E5 - Exhibit - Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

Logging and Review Process

Step 1.The Board Secretary or Recording Secretary maintains a log of the closed meeting minutes that are unavailable for public inspection.  The meeting minutes are logged according to the reason the Board held the closed meeting. 2:220-E6, Log of Closed Meeting Minutes.

Step 2.The Board meets in closed session to review the log of unreleased closed meeting minutes.  The Board or Recording Secretary brings a copy of all unreleased closed meeting minutes and, if requested, allows Board members to review the actual minutes.  The Board identifies which closed meeting minutes or portions thereof no longer need confidential treatment.  Use Report Following the Board’s Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes, below.

Step 3.At least semi-annually in an open meeting, the Board takes action to release for public inspection those minutes, or portions thereof, no longer needing confidential treatment.  Use Action to Accept, below.  Closed meeting minutes will not be released for public inspection if confidential treatment is needed to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual, including:  (1) student disciplinary cases or other matters relating to an individual student, and (2) personnel files and employees’ and Board members’ personal information.

Step 4.The Board or Recording Secretary:  (1) updates the log of unreleased closed meeting minutes to remove any minutes that the Board made available for public inspection; (2) makes a notation on any applicable closed meeting minutes of the Board’s action to release it or a portion of it for public inspection; and (3) continues to log new closed meeting minutes that the Board has not released for public inspection.  2:220-E6, Log of Closed Meeting Minutes.

Report Following the Board’s Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

The School Board met on __________________ in closed session to conduct its semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes that have not been released for public inspection.

The closed meeting minutes, or portions thereof, from the following dates no longer require confidential treatment: (insert closed meeting dates)













The need for confidentiality still exists as to all remaining closed meeting minutes to protect an individual’s privacy or the District’s interests.

Action to Accept the Board’s Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes

Open meeting date:                                                     

Motion to approve the Board’s semi-annual review of unreleased closed meeting minutes and to release for public inspection those minutes, or portions thereof, that the Board identified as no longer needing confidential treatment made by:                                                                                             

Motion seconded by:                                                                                                              

Action:              Passed         Failed

DATED:                September 30, 2013

Groups audience: