Google Docs Test Agenda

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - 12:30pm

Editor Test – Google Docs

Location: High School Media Center


1. Call to Order – Open Public Meeting Act – Roll Call - Pledge of Allegiance

This meeting is being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act and is open to the media and public.  Notices were duly posted, and the meeting was advertised in the Hunterdon County Democrat. Formal action may be taken.


2. Presentations

Wizard of Oz Thematic Program


3. Open to the Public (Limited to Action Items on the Agenda


4. Meeting Minutes for Approval

Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 28, 2009


5. Committee Reports/Motions

a. Motion to approve bill list

b. Motion to approve $25.00 gift for Three Bridges School

c. Motion to approve YMCA Benefit

d. Motion to approve schoolboardnet


6. Adjourn


Test of numbered list

1.     Item 1

2.     Item 2


Test of table:

Bold Title

Bold Column 1

Bold Column 2

Item 1

50 pieces


Item 2

10 pieces



Test of bullet lists:


·       Bullet 1

·       Bullet 2


a.     this is a test

b.     this is the b. item


  1. This is an auto numbered list - item 1

  2. next

    1. indented

    2. another

  3. next one

  4. last one


  1. Same idea with letters

  2. next one

    1. indented and lower case

    2. another

  3. last one



Groups audience: 
- Private group -